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February 23, 2016   | 3:00 PM

Secretarial Order 3336 Overview, Mike Haske, BLM Coordinator

Mr. Mike Haske, BLM, will provide an overview of Secretarial Order 3336. On January 5, 2015, U. S. Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell signed Secretarial Order Number 3336, Rangeland Fire Prevention, Management, and Restoration ("Order") The Order sets in motion actions to enhance the protection, conservation, and restoration of a healthy sagebrush-steppe ecosystem, and to address important public safety, economic, cultural, and social concerns. Mike has 37 years of federal service and has worked at all levels of the Bureau of Land Management including field offices, the Oregon State Office and BLM's national office in Washington D.C. He has a B.S degree in Forest Management and has worked in a wide variety of natural resource programs as both a field employee and a supervisor, and has experience in the policy and budget arena. Mike accepted the position as the Strategy Implementation Manager for the Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy in January of 2106. As the implementation manager, Mike will be responsible for day to day status oversight and tracking, coordination and facilitation, identification of issues and resolving differences in support of the Action Plan developed to implement Secretarial Order 3336.

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