Bureau of Land Management
Geoff Walsh
1849 C Street, NW MS 204 LS
Washington, DC 20240
Phone: 202-912-7271
Email: [email protected]
The Bureau of land Management (BLM) manages more than 245 million acres of public lands – all supporting a diversity of fish, wildlife and plants, including threatened, endangered, and "at risk" species. In fact, the BLM manages more wildlife and plant habitats than any other federal or state agency in the country. When authorizing land use activities such as recreation, livestock grazing, energy development, and forest management, the BLM must ensure the needs of wildlife, fish, and plants are taken into consideration. The BLM manages these resources in cooperation with state and other federal agencies. The BLM also works to improve the health of entire watersheds to sustain and enhance a variety of biological resources.
US Forest Service
USDA Forest Service manages 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands across 44 states. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s natural resources. The Forest Service conducts research on federal, state and private lands, and implements and support quality land and resource management, locally and globally. Our partnerships are critical to our mission for developing conservation knowledge and sustaining world-class natural resources and diverse recreation, for the use and enjoyment of all. The Forest Service’s Intermountain Region and Rocky Mountain Research Station have teamed up to help sponsor this conference.
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to expanding partnerships, offering innovative opportunities to enhance natural resources, promoting healthy fish and wildlife species populations and the landscapes needed to support them; and providing the public with quality hunting, fishing, wildlife watching, and other wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities.
Emily Porcari
1849 C Street NW, Room 3358
Washington, DC 20240
Utah's Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office (PLPCO)
Our mission is to preserve and defend rights to access, use, and benefit from public lands within the State of Utah. Our Objectives are to:
Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC)
The Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC) leads the electric utility industry in protecting avian resources while enhancing reliable energy delivery. We work in partnership with utilities, resources agencies and the public to: develop and provide educational resources, identify and fund research, develop and provide cost-effective management options, and serve as the focal point for avian interaction utility issues.
Berryman Institute
The Berryman Institute works with all stakeholders in an increasingly complex world to better manage human-wildlife conflicts through research, education, extension, and outreach.
Mule Deer Foundation
The Mule Deer Foundation (MDF) is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization with over 40,000 members. MDF's mission is to ensure the conservation of mule deer, black-tailed deer and their habitat. MDF is dedicated to restoring, improving and protecting mule deer habitat (including conservation easements) resulting in self-sustaining, healthy , free ranging and hunt-able deer populations: encouraging and supporting responsible wildlife management with government agencies, private organizations, and landowners; promoting public education and scientific research related to mule deer and wildlife management.
Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative
The Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative (WRI) functioning under the oversight of the Utah Partners for Conservation and Development, is a partnership driven effort to conserve, restore, and rehabilitate watersheds in priority areas across Utah. The watershed values we care about are wildlife and biological diversity, water quality and yield, and opportunities for sustainable uses of natural resources. Since 2006, WRIs over 120 partners participating in 5 regional teams have completed restoration and fire rehabilitation projects on over 1.2 million acres in Utah.
Rocky Mountain Power
Based in Salt Lake City, Utah, Rocky Mountain Power provides electric service to 1 million customers in Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. Protecting and enhancing the environment is a core principle for Rocky Mountain Power. While providing safe, reliable electric service to our customers, we strive to be good stewards by conserving natural resources, developing innovative solutions, growing renewable resources, reducing emissions, protecting habitats and more.
The purpose of the conference is to continue sharing the latest information and to plan for the conservation, restoration, and maintenance of resilient sagebrush ecosystems. Recent unprecedented collaboration between management agencies, scientists, private landowners, industry, and others working to sustain healthy sagebrush ecosystems across all boundaries demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach. Western conservation efforts directed at sage-grouse, to a large degree, precluded the need for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to propose protection for the Greater sage-grouse under the Endangered Species Act. These efforts have been enormous and have changed the way conservation is practiced.
In support of this on-going effort, we are requesting your consideration in joining the conference as a sponsor or exhibitor. Details are provided below as to what a sponsorship or exhibitor commitment entails. More details can be found at. Conference participants will include land owners and managers, local working group members and participants, state and federal agency decision makers, government officials, energy industry planners and biologists, agricultural group representatives, researchers, and students.
If you have any questions, please contact Terry Messmer at [email protected] or 435-797-3975 or Rae Ann Hart at [email protected] or 435-797-3974.
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum: $15,000 +
Includes your logo on the Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation conference website, signs and electronic displays at venue; ½ page ad in printed materials; conference registration for 4 people; and exhibit table
Gold: $10,000
Includes your logo on the Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation conference website, signs and electronic displays at venue; ¼ page ad in printed materials; conference registration for 3 people; and exhibit table
Silver: $5,000
Includes your logo on the Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation conference website, signs and electronic displays at venue; ¼ page ad in printed materials; conference registration for 2 people; and exhibit table
Bronze: $2000
Includes your logo on the Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation conference website, signs and electronic displays at venue; conference registration for 1 person; and exhibit table