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February 24, 2016   | 3:00 PM

Traditional Knowledges for Resource Managers

Traditional knowledges are often referred to as individual pieces of information, but this term also refers to traditional "knowledge systems" that are deeply embedded in indigenous ways of life. This session will be an introduction to Traditional Knowledges for resource managers. We will explore the appropriate use and protection of Traditional Knowledges and provide some examples of how they can be incorporated into resource planning and management.

Session Lead: Todd Hopkins
Science Coordinator, Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative, 1340 Financial Blvd, Reno, Nevada 89502; Phone: 775-861-6492; [email protected]

Speakers Include:

Overview: What is Traditional Knowledge?
Margaret Hiza Redsteer
(Invited), Research Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey , 2255 N. Gemini Dr., Flagstaff, AZ 86001; [email protected]

Dr. Redsteer's research includes a unique combination of traditional/local knowledge and conventional scientific investigations to document current impacts from climate change. She also leads a research team that examines hydrologic extremes and sediment mobility on the southern Colorado Plateau, primarily on the Navajo Nation.

Traditional Knowledge and Native Plant materials production
Jeremiah R Pinto
, Research Plant Physiologist and Tribal Nursery Specialist, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 1221 S Main St, Moscow, ID 83843; [email protected]

Jeremiah Pinto has been working as a Tribal Nursery Specialist for the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station for the last 13 years. His experience includes working with large tribal nurseries producing forestry seedlings to small tribal nurseries propagating plants for cultural preservation.

Archaeology as Long-Term TEK: Implications for Understanding the History of Pinyon-Juniper in the Great Basin
Bryan Hockett
, Lead Archaeologist, BLM Nevada, 1340 Financial Blvd., Reno, NV, 89502; [email protected]

Dr. Hockett has been researching long-term human responses to changing Great Basin climate patterns for nearly 30 years. His current research aims to integrate archaeological and ethnographic studies of aboriginal large game traps with ecologically-based models used to plan modern vegetation restoration projects.

Discussion, Question and Answer session lead by Todd Hopkins

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