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February 24, 2016   | 5:00 PM

Poster Session

Poster # Title and Authors
P01 BLM Fire Planning and Fuels Management
David Mueller
P02 The National Ecological Observatory Network, A continental-scale observation system for studying ecological change
Maria Gaetani
P03 Plant material testing for rangeland establishment
Craig Rigby, Thomas Jones, Blair Waldron, Michael Peel, Joseph Robins, Jack Staub, Kevin Jensen
P04 Native grass plant materials development at the USDA-ARS Forage & Range Research Lab
Thomas Jones, Blair Waldron, Joseph Robins, Jack Staub, Kevin Jensen
P05 Development of North American forb plant materials for rangeland revegetation and restoration
Kevin Connors, Thomas Jones, Douglas Johnson, Shaun Bushman, Blair Waldron, Michael Peel, Kevin Jensen
P06 Historical Mountain Big Sagebrush Fire Frequency from Fire-Scarred Trees: A Multi-site Analysis for Utah and Eastern Nevada
Stanley G. Kitchen, Peter M Brown, Emily K Heyerdahl
P07 Exploring Solutions to Pinyon and Juniper Infestations through Biomass Field Days
Mark Nelson
P08 Frost seedbed conditions on sagebrush steppe rangelands in the Great Basin
Bruce Roundy, Matthew Madsen, Turmandakh Badrakh
P09 Kennecott case study of harrow and seeding impacts on herbaceous species abundance and shrub density, and the interaction with cattle grazing return
Mary Pendergast, Allison Jones
P10 Sagebrush steppe succession after treatments to control pinyon and juniper
Rachel Williams, Bruce Roundy, Jeffrey Matthews, Robert Schooley, April Hulet
P11 Seeds of Success - Plant Material Development in Twin Falls District, BLM
Danelle Nance
P12 Pointing Cheatgrass Out the Door: Analyzing Spatial Distributions Among an Annual Invasive and Bunchgrasses
Jessie Dodge, Christopher Bowman-Prideaux, Eva Strand, Beth Newingham
P13 Public lands litigation and its direct and indirect influence on human well-being: an extended model for social-ecological research
Amanda Bentley Brymer, J.D. Wulfhorst
P14 Biological Soil Crust Response to Late-Season Prescribed Fire at the Interface of Sagebrush and Juniper Ecosystems
Steve Warren, Larry L. St.Clair, Jeff Johansen
P15 Conservation Cooperation Breeds Mining and Sage Grouse Success
April Abate, Brian Maxfield, Michele Sanders
P16 LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings Models and Descriptions: Sagebrush Status
Kori Blankenship, Jim Smith, Randy Swaty, Jeannie Patton, Sarah Hagen, Kimberly Hall
P17 Long-term Monitoring of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Germplasm Plots
Ann Moser, Alan Sands
P18 Long-term (9 Years) Greater Sage-Grouse and Vegetation Response to Treatments in Mountain Big Sagebrush Communities in Central Utah
Nathan Dulfon
P19 Sage-grouse Nests in an Active Conifer Mastication Site
Charles Sandford, David Dahlgren, Terry Messmer
P20 An Examination of Naturally Caused Wildfires and Vegetation Treatment Effectiveness in Southern Utah
Patrick London
P21 Influence of experience and availability of different forages on medusahead weed intake by sheep
Juan Montes, Juan Villalba
P22 Living in the Phantom Gas Field: Physiological Responses of Sagebrush to Human Noise-Induced Changes in Arthropod Herbivory
Maria Pacioretty
P23 Grazing Rotations on Restored Land as a New Tool for Medusahead Control
Casey Spackman, Clint Stonecipher, Kip Panter, Juan Villalba
P24 Above-ground carbon loss from the Soda Fire
Andrew Poley, Nancy Glenn
P25 Creating Area of Occupancy Maps for Great Basin Forbs Using Herbarium Data
Sarah Barga, Elizabeth Leger
P26 Post-fire grazing management of sagebrush steppe plant communities in the Great Basin
Beth Newingham, Kari E. Veblen, Jonathan Bates, Eric LaMalfa, Jeff Gicklhorn
P27 Examining fire occurrence and burn severity in the Great Basin using Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity data
Chris Bowman-Prideaux, Eva K. Strand, Jeffrey Gicklhorn, Beth Newingham
P28 Shrub/herb competition in mountain big sagebrush communities
David Tart
P29 Enhancing post-wildfire collaboration: Linking science to manager and citizen values
Hilary Whitcomb, Mark Brunson
P30 Diurnal and seasonal variation in sap flow in sagebrush communities spanning rain- to snow- dominated elevation zones
Keith Reinhardt, Kathleen Lohse, Harmandeep Sharma
P31 Do Managed Grazing Systems Alter Livestock Distribution? Insights from a Case Study in Rich County, Utah.
Benjamin Davis, Kristin B. Hulvey, Eric T. Thacker, R. Douglas Ramsey
P32 Increasing Diversity and Availability of Forb and Sagebrush Seed for Restoration of Greater Sage-grouse Habitat
Susan Fritts
P33 Southern Utah Resilient Landscape Collaborative
Vicki Tyler
P34 Diet shifts and energetic condition of songbirds in response to phenology of food-resource availability in a high-elevation sagebrush ecosystem
Kyle Cutting, Michelle Anderson, Erik Beever, Sean Schroff, Eric Klaphake, Nathan Korb, Scott McWilliams
P35 Estimating sagebrush sensitivity to annual variation in temperature and precipitation from multi-year monitoring data
Peter Adler, Andrew Kleinhesselink
P37 Sagebrush Steppe Management for Greater Sage-grouse: an Umbrella Approach for Conserving Golden Eagles?
Katie Powell
P38 Invasive Species National Assessment
Deborah Finch
P39 Collaborative Approaches to Conservation Science: The Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Rick Kearney
P40 Forecasting changes in the distribution and abundance of sagebrush under climate change
Katie Renwick, Peter Adler, Benjamin Poulter, Daniel Schlaepfer, Bethany Bradley, Andrew Kleinhesselink, Caroline Curtis, Cameron Aldridge
P41 Effects of mulch on plant and soil recovery after wildfire in the eastern Great Basin
Camie Dencker, Jeffrey Gicklhorn, Lara Derasary, Beth Newingham
P42 Post-Fire Establishment of Seeded Species across Ecological Potentials A Case Study
Danny Summers, Kevin Gunnell
P43 Effects of drought, warming, and litter on native and non-native grasses in the semi-arid sagebrush steppe
Alex Suazo, Matthew Germino, Beth Newingham
P44 Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Range Trend Project: Monitoring Rangelands in Utah for Over 30 Years
Jason Cox, Jason Lane, Kevin Gunnell, Danny Summers, Ciaran Payne
P45 Mountain Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp vaseyana) Post-Fire Seed Production
Melissa Landeen, Stanley G. Kitchen, Steven L. Petersen, Loreen Allphin
P46 Variability in pinon-juniper woodlands across the Great Basin: What can we learn from broad-scale trends that will inform restoration?
Kristen Pelz
P47 Influence of wildfire on summer habitat selection of sage-grouse in southern Utah
Erica Hansen, Shandra Nicole Frey
P48 The effects of repeat fires in low elevation sagebrush systems
Ann Marie Raymondi
P49 Cheatgrass invasion and soil microbial communities
Raven Reitstetter
P50 Communicating Sagebrush Conservation Research Results to Land Managers
Lael Gilbert, Genie MontBlanc
P51 Estimating near-real-time cheatgrass percent cover in the Northern Great Basin and downscaling 250-meter data to 30 meters
Stephen Boyte, Bruce Wylie
P52 Adaptive genetic response to climate drives survival in Artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush)
Lindsay Chaney and Bryce Richardson
P53 Greater Sage-grouse Responses to Livestock Grazing in Sagebrush Rangelands
Wayne Smith, Terry Messmer
P54 Linking Biophysical and Remote Sensing Data to Cheatgrass Occurrence Throughout the Historic Range of Sage Grouse
Janelle Downs

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