February 24, 2016 | 8:00 AM
Sagebrush systems are full of species that do not make the national news. This session will provide a forum for discussing the small mammals, songbirds, reptiles, and other inhabitants of systems generally managed for better-known "umbrella species." Presentations will include basics of the current information and tools available on different guilds of species and what current sage-grouse focused management might mean for these myriad species. A panel discussion will address additional questions about partnership opportunities, possible management models, and other topics.
Session Lead: George Walsh
20 M St SE, Washington DC 20003, [email protected]
Speakers Include:
Mammals and Sagebrush
George Oliver, Zoologist, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, 1594 W. North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84116-3154; [email protected]
George Oliver works as a zoologist for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Although he has worked with all groups of vertebrates as well as some groups of invertebrates, his work currently is with non-game birds and mammals, especially their ecology, management, and conservation. He has conducted field work in many parts of America as well as in Scandinavia, México, Central America, South America, and Australia.
An example of multi-species integration in habitat management
David Pavlacky, Biometrician, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies (formerly Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory), 230 Cherry Street, Fort Collins, CO 80521; [email protected] www.birdconservancy.org
David Pavlacky holds a PhD from the University of Queensland, and works as a Research Ecologist/ Biometrician at the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. David's research interests include quantitative methods for the distribution and abundance of wildlife to answer research questions in applied ecology and conservation biology. David is currently working on a decision support tool for sagebrush birds and umbrella species conservation for the lesser prairie-chicken. By participating the conference, David hopes to apply the principles of Systematic Conservation Planning and Structured Decision Making toward the Adaptive Management of multiple wildlife taxa in sagebrush ecosystems.
Potential effects of sagebrush steppe management and restoration actions on lizards and snakes
David S. Pilliod, Supervisory Research Ecologist, US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, 970 Lusk Street, Boise, Idaho 83706; [email protected]
Dr. Pilliod received his PhD from Idaho State University where he studied amphibian ecology in montane lakes. He has worked as a Research Ecologist at the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (in Boise) since 2006. His research focuses on the ecology and conservation biology of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, with an emphasis in sagebrush steppe. He is particularly interested in working with agencies to improve monitoring data and use those data to answer questions regarding effectiveness of resource management and restoration.
Ungulates in Sagebrush Systems
Miles Moretti, President/CEO, Mule Deer Foundation, 1939 South 4130 West Suite H Salt Lake City, UT 84104; [email protected]
Miles Moretti is President/CEO of the Mule Deer Foundation. Previously, he worked 30 years for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources in various positions. Miles has extensive experience in working with a diverse array of conservation groups, sportsman, industry and private landowners on many difficult wildlife issues. He is currently a board chairman of Intermountain West Joint Venture and a Board member of North American Grouse Partnership. Miles grew up in Southwest Wyoming and current lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Sagebrush birds in multi-species systems
Russell Norvell, Avian Conservation Program Coordinator, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, 1594 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Russ heads up Utah's Avian Conservation program, which leads the state's efforts to define and meet Utah's bird conservation issues and priorities with partnership-based solutions. He also works to represent Utah's interests regionally through several bird conservation groups such as the Pacific Flyway, the Joint Ventures, and the Western Working Group of Partners in Flight. Russ has led research teams examining multi-species and multi-scale management efforts and effects on non-game birds in sagebrush-steppe, conifer, and riparian habitats in the Intermountain West.